June 30, 2024

Maximizing Practice Efficiency

As musicians, it's vital that we get as good as possible in as little time as possible, or in other words: practice efficiently. In this lesson you will learn all about how to maximize this practice efficiency to really squeeze every last drop of benefit out of your practice sessions, and…

531 hits

May 14, 2023

Create Your Own Scale Sequences

What are scale sequences? A sequence is a repeated and ordered pattern applied to the notes of a scale or arpeggio. Imagine walking in a straight line for 8 steps. You could go ahead one step at a time like you normally would or you could decide to mix it…

1001 hits

July 21, 2022

Develop a Shred Tremolo

The neutral-pickslanted single-string tremolo is the most fundamental pre-requisite I teach for fast and impressive multi-string alternate picking. Getting this up to a fast tempo and high level of reliability is vital. Only once it is mastered can a student move on to pickslanting and multi-string picking. Forget unsightly, tense,…

1483 hits

June 22, 2022

Double-Tracking Rhythm Guitars

Have you ever wondered how the professionals manage to produce such impressive rhythm guitar recordings? In this tutorial I will teach you how to record these rich, full, and professional-sounding rhythm guitars by "Double-Tracking" and creating an auditory illusion ("Haas Effect") that we, as sound engineers, can use to trick…

1377 hits

May 28, 2022

Shoulder and Elbow Study Animations

The shoulder and elbow are responsible for a lot more than you may think when it comes to guitar technique. In lead guitar, it is essential that we learn and master control over these joints to put them to work immediately. If you aren't using shoulder and elbow mechanics yet -…

1498 hits

March 01, 2022

Declan McDaid's Picking Approaches

In this article, musician and tutor Declan McDaid shares his picking tips and approaches, including: pick choice, single string picking, and multistring strategies (alternate picking and economy picking). Along with tabs and explanations, this is sure to iron out a few creases in your technique, and get you thinking about…

1769 hits

December 25, 2020

The truth about "elbow picking"

"Picking from the elbow", "elbow picking", and "arm picking" are some terms for what is considered by most lead guitar players to be taboo when it comes to picking technique.So why do so many beginners automatically start picking from the elbow when they attempt to increase their picking speed? Simply…

4905 hits

July 24, 2020

Guide to the perfect pickstroke

Here's some advice that I've learned from observing my own practice sessions over the years regarding how to achieve the perfect pickstroke. What do you think of when you imagine the perfect picking technique? Fast picking runs? Small and visually effortless motions? Long tremolos of near-endless and seemingly frictionless stamina?…

4497 hits

May 21, 2020

A student interviews me

The following is an interview between a student and myself for a college assignment of theirs where they had to question somebody working in the music industry. Hopefully you will enjoy learning a little bit more about me and perhaps give you a glimpse into what it's like starting out…

4210 hits

March 07, 2018

How to read guitar TABs

Reading and writing guitar tablature (TABs) is essential for learning other people’s music and for keeping a record of your own creations. I would even argue that it’s more practical than standard music notation as TABs dictate the exact and intended way in which a passage of notes should be…

13037 hits

December 26, 2017

How the Pros Sweep: Style vs. Style

Let's take a look at how a few famous pro guitarists execute 3-string sweep arpeggios. We'll compare the techniques of Rusty Cooley, Yngwie Malmsteen, and Andy James. Players tend to stick to one sweep picking style for their entire musical careers without even considering alternatives. It is my hope that this article will open your eyes…

9826 hits

May 09, 2017

Tapping Arpeggios Lesson #2

Welcome to the second lesson on two-hand tapped arpeggios! Last time we covered the fundamentals such as: muting, string transitions, and a small 2-string example arpeggio to begin with. Now it's time to delve further into the technique and learn some larger arpeggio shapes. This lesson will teach you the tapped arpeggios for…

11355 hits

January 07, 2017

Essential Scale Sequences

What are scale sequences? A sequence is a repeated and ordered pattern applied to the notes of a scale or arpeggio. Imagine walking in a straight line for 8 steps. You could go ahead one step at a time like you normally would or you could decide to mix it…

11850 hits

December 05, 2016

Clean Note Transitions

This is a lesson on how to play passages of notes in a perfectly clean and intelligible way. You must eliminate silence between notes to create a seamless stream of sound. Picture your notes as a brick wall. You want to lay the bricks so tightly that there are no…

7672 hits

October 30, 2016

Tapping Arpeggios Lesson

I proudly present an in-depth technical guide to basic multi-string two-hand tapping arpeggios. Learn how to tap, how to cross strings and how to perform a basic 2-string, string skipped diminished arpeggio on the g and e strings. From there you are free to branch out to bigger shapes and…

9086 hits