Guide to the perfect pickstroke
- Written by Alfred Potter
- Read 4537 times
Here's some advice that I've learned from observing my own practice sessions over the years regarding how to achieve the perfect pickstroke. What do you think of when you imagine the perfect picking technique? Fast picking runs? Small and visually effortless motions? Long tremolos of near-endless and seemingly frictionless stamina? I have three rules to share with you which if followed, will allow you to achieve a pickstroke capable of producing such results.
It doesn't matter which of the two methods you use to generate your pickstrokes:
Nor does it matter which pickslant you happen to be using at any given time:
Instead, the focus of this article is on developing a fast, accurate, reliable, and effortless pickstroke time after time. Every time. Here are the three rules!
1. Use tiny pickstrokes
The larger your pickstrokes' breadth, the less control you will have over how much of the pick contacts the string for each pickstroke. As such, the resistance the pick encounters at the point of contact with the string (pick/string resistance) will be wildy unpredictable. That means that tiny pickstrokes and picking depth are directly related to each other. In addition, large pickstrokes will slow you down as the pick has a greater distance to travel through the air after/before every pickstroke. Attempting to increase speed without reduction in picking breadth results in tension. Tension results in failure. Keep those pickstrokes tiny!
2. Use just the tip of the pick
Only the tip of the pick is needed. The more plastic you have to muscle over a string, the greater the pick/string resistance will be, and the tenser and slower you will be. Beginners tend to use a lot of the pick because they are subconsciously afraid of missing the string altogether. But as you progress you must move away from this. Only use the tip. Don't even think of it as "picking" the strings. Think of it as "tickling" the tops of the strings.
3. Relax
Wait. This isn't just some carelessly spouted nonsense. It's absolutely necessary, I promise! Like my brother Gus the drummer says: "tense muscles are slow muscles". If you are tense, even just a little bit, your muscles will fight each other to some degree. For example: If you are doing a downstroke but your muscles are already tensing up preparing for the upstroke, your downstroke has been tainted by tension - ruined! Relaxation is something that needs to be practiced just like everything else. You must be consciously aware of it.
Combine these tips
Next time you're practicing an exercise or picking pattern, make a point of checking for the above three tips. Consciously ask yourself:
1. Could my pickstrokes be smaller?
2. Could I use less of the pick?
3. Can I relax any further? (without literally dropping the pick and collapsing)
I do this quick tri-check every practice session of every day. I hope it will help you like it has helped me.
Check out my PDF "Lead Guitar Practice Methodology" if you want more hardcore scrutiny like this!
Alfred Potter
Alfred Potter is a solo progressive metal lead guitarist. He has released two albums "Argonaut" and "Splendor of Sands" and sells a range of ebook PDF courses and instructional videos through his website He is endorsed by Kahler bridges and Hawk Picks.